'll have to bear with me in the beginning here as I get my blog going. I have spent a great deal of time wondering what exactly I should and want to post about on my page. And also, wondering how often I should post? I don't want to just copy another website I frequent and post all their deals. That's lame. You might as well look at
their site. I think I want to focus mine mostly on the deals that I find from various blogs/email/facebook etc. that I
personally have participated in....that are true and tested by me. (Or maybe sometimes really great deals that are too awesome not to pass on even if they don't necessarily apply to me at the moment.) I'm also always on the hunt to find
cute projects to try. (Or dream of trying someday)...These I think would be fun to post too. And recipes....aren't we always looking for
yummy new recipes to try? As you can see, my thoughts have been all over the place lately. At first, I thought it may be too random to post on several different topics, but then I remembered why I started this blog to begin with. I want to share some of my favorite things with others, just at my title states. So I'm going to do just that. I don't want to stay within a box and limit myself to being just another just deals/couponing, crafting, recipe, etc. website. (Don't get me wrong---those are some of my favorite blogs to look at and draw inspiration from, but that's not where my interest lies in creating
this one.) So, I hope some of my
random favorite things that I find and that others have so generously shared with me can become some of your random favorite things too. :)

I do have another deal to share tonight. If you are planning on going to the mall to do some Christmas shopping this weekend, become a fan on facebook for Bath & Body Works and you can print out a coupon to try their new Island Escape lotion. (2 oz.) I work very close to a bath and body and since they offer this coupon nearly everytime they come out with a new flavor, I always pick one up. No purchase is required and you don't have to pay tax. It's absolutely FREE. I've also noticed when they're having this promo, they'll mark the little lotions down from $3.50 to $1. I've often thought that is a great time to get them to pass out as little gifts or happies to friends, young women, women you visit teach, etc. And they'd definitely make great stocking stuffers. Sometimes they offer stuff for the men too. I have a small Twilight Woods body wash (smells SO good!) I got last time for free that will definitely find its way into my hubby's stocking this year. :) Obviously, this probably wouldn't be worth making an extra trip for, but if you're already there, why not?